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UniPartners Nijmegen

UniPartners Nijmegen, that’s us! In 2007, we joined the UniPartners network as a new branch. We are located in the Elinor Ostrom Building, room -1.505, at Radboud University.

Our goal is to bridge the gap between students and the business world. University studies often lack a practical approach, and that’s a shame! We believe in the fresh perspective that students can bring to challenges. At UniPartners Nijmegen, students can apply the knowledge they’ve gained in lecture halls by working on real projects as student consultants. Additionally, you can develop yourself by taking on an exciting and educational leadership role within our vibrant organization. Alongside seven fellow students, you can run your own consultancy firm for a year! Furthermore, UniPartners Nijmegen is always on the lookout for enthusiastic individuals who want to contribute to our marketing or acquisition committees. We also offer informative training sessions and workshops that are open to all students.

Want to stay updated on everything UniPartners has to offer? Register yourself in our database and/or like our Facebook page or follow us on Instagram (unipartnersnijmegen). If you have any questions, you are always welcome at our office (Elinor Ostrom Building, room -1.505).



Kiara Cillekens
General manager, marketing & PR-manager
Hi, I'm Kiara Cillekens, 23 years old and currently studying the master International Business and the master Strategic Management. As marketing and PR manager I am responsible for all external communication from UniPartners Nijmegen. I am also responsible for the committee and make sure we are visible on campus. The reason why I chose for UniPartners Nijmegen is because I thought it would be great fun to lead a company with an ambitious group of people. Moreover, I think it is an ideal way to get acquainted with the different companies in our region.
Lobke van Beurden
Quality Manager & Secretary
My name is Lobke van Beurden, 22 years old and this year I fulfill the role of quality manager and secretary at UniPartners Nijmegen. Currently I'm in my fourth year of studying business administration. I chose for a board year at UniPartners to gain practical experience and to get in contact with different companies. As quality manager I am responsible for ensuring the quality of UniPartners Nijmegen. I'm looking forward to make it a fantastic year together with my fellow board members!
Ymke Spierings
Financial Manager
Hi, my name is Ymke Spierings. I am 21 years old and currently in my fourth year of bachelor economics and business economics. Since September I fulfill the role of financial manager within UniPartners Nijmegen. As financial manager I am responsible for the financial administration. This means that I deal with processing and sending invoices, preparing the budget and maintaining a financially sustainable organization.
I chose for UniPartners because it can offer me the practical experience I missed in my studies and to get in contact with the business world.
Anouk Groothuizen
HR- and accountmanager
My name is Anouk Groothuizen and I am Acquisition and Project Manager at UniPartners Nijmegen since September. Currently I'm studying Law.
I chose for a year at UniPartners because here I can develop myself on a business and personal level.
As acquisition manager I am responsible for finding new relations in Nijmegen and surroundings. In addition, as a project manager I am responsible for good supervision during the work of the student-consultant. v
Lisa Pijper
HRD- and accountmanager
Hi! My name is Lisa Pijper, 21 years old and I have been working as HR and Event Manager at Unipartners Nijmegen since September. I am going to work at UniPartners this year with great pleasure. A board year at UniPartners appealed to me because it gives me the opportunity to orientate myself on the consultancy field and get in contact with companies and students with the same interests.
Adil Tafranti
Event- and accountmanager
I am Adil, 22 years old and after completing my bachelor's, I started in September as the account- and project manager at UniPartners Nijmegen. In addition, also in September, I started the masters International Business at Radboud University. I chose to join UniPartners for a board year, because I had the feeling I lacked useful practical experience next to the theoretical knowledge acquired during my studies. Besides, I chose for this board year in order to enable myself to orientate on what jobs I like to do and sectors I see myself working in in the future. Since many different organisations are visited and insight is gained in their activities, you develop a clear idea of organisations and simultaneously a clear idea of what appeals to you and what does not.
After six months in my job, I chose to add the position of event manager to my work from February on. As an account manager, I am concerned with maintaining our existing relationships with other organisations. Furthermore, as a project manager I am responsible for delivering the expected results for the client, which entails steering the student consultants in the right direction and keeping all parties that are involved satisfied. Last but not least, as an event manager I am concerned with organising networking events.

Vacancies Nijmegen

Intern vacancies Nijmegen

Marktondezoek & Klanttevredenheidsonderzoek
Office Nijmegen | Sociaal
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Office Nijmegen | Economisch
Dit project had als doel om Houthandel van Hulst vooruit te helpen met de promotie richting jong talent op financieel- en ICT-gebied, zodat Houthandel van Hulst in de toekomst in staat is om meer personeel aan te trekken vanuit deze opleidingen. ...
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Office Nijmegen | Economisch
Er werd een promotieplan geschreven waarin handvatten werden geboden hoe de doelgroepen van Ariës Natuursteen het beste benaderd konden worden. ...
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