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Job offer

Classifying Materials within Asset Portfolio
Office Delft | Techniek

Company information

Eneco is a leading player in the energy market and has focused on sustainable energy generation. The company provides energy services to both individuals and businesses, with a strong focus on making energy supplies more sustainable. Eneco owns and manages a diverse Asset Portfolio, including solar installations, wind turbines and heat installations.

Project description

Eneco faces the challenge of gaining insight into the composition and quantities of materials within their Asset Portfolio, including solar installations, wind turbines and heat installations.

The project consists of 3 parts. First, the assets will be clustered into different asset categories (proxies). Next, you will examine what materials the various assets contain. Finally, you will examine how much of each asset type Eneco has in the Asset Portfolio and what total volumes of material can be extrapolated per asset type.

Student requirements

This project will be carried out by three students. They will work partly together, but also do individual work. Most likely, the Junior Consultants will divide into Solar, Wind and Heat. Furthermore, you will keep in close contact with the contacts of the company to discuss your progress. Also, a director of UniPartners will guide you throughout the project. You can always go to them for questions. In addition, you will have to meet the following requirements:
– Is available for an average of 16 hours per week, of which he/she will work at least 1 day per week at the Eneco office.
– Can interpret technical or architectural drawings.
– Has analytical skills and a helicopter view.
– Is creative.
– Is independent, assertive and self-directed.
– Has good time management skills.
– Can work project-based and prioritize.
– Has an affinity with data and data processing is a plus.
– Can work well in teams.

What do we have to offer?

UniPartners offers you a flexible, challenging and independent job where you can apply the knowledge of your studies in a company. This way you can make impact while gaining experience in business. A director of UniPartners guides you as project manager and keeps in touch with the company to make the project run smoothly. Apply directly with CV and a motivation of approx. 200 words.

The project will start after the summer vacations, in the first week of September.

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