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Job offer

From Coffee to Ink: a legislation & certification project
Office Wageningen | Juridisch

Company information

Despite digitization, the demand for printing ink is rising. Ink is one of the most expensive liquid commodities in the world. The most expensive ingredient for ink is pigment. Coffee on the other hand – has become the most consumed beverage in the world. Every day we produce coffee waste that is equal in weight to 3 Eiffel towers! In a response to this waste stream, CaffeInk develops a method to create pigments out of this coffee waste. If all of the global coffee waste were to be processed into pigment, it would provide 50% of the global pigment market.

Project description

The student consultant will look at the production process of CaffeInk to understand every step of the process. After this,  the student will look into legislation and certification requirements and possibilities for each production step identified and all products of CaffeInk. The student will look at other businesses/authorities with similar production processes to identify possible scenarios. In addition, the student will reach out to these businesses/authorities to verify their findings. In the end, a practical guideline will be presented!

Student requirements

Are you a student that is interested in bio-refinery and legislation processes? Do you speak both English and Dutch fluently? And are you available for 10-15 hours a week until mid or late April?

What do we have to offer?

  • An opportunity to contribute to the successful promotion of the products of CaffeInk by doing research on the legislation and certification;
  • A job that looks good on your CV;
  • A compensation of €13.00 to €14.00 per hour.


Interested in working on this project? Apply before February the 18th, 23:59 by uploading your CV and a motivation letter below! 

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