Xenia Europa coordinates the sales for the growers of Xenia pears in Europe. This aromatic, sweet and fresh pear is grown with great care. This ensures a quality optimum at the moment of harvesting. After this, the right carrying during transport is important in order to garantuee the quality of Xenia. At least of importance is increasing the sales activity of Xenia and that is all what this project is about!
During this project, 1 Dutch speaking student will set up a workable and usuable marketingplan. The input for this will be delivered by two brainstorm sessions with in total 4 students. Among other things, the brainstorm will be about how to create brand awareness. This will result in a marketing strategy and corresponding marketing activities. Eventually the output of this project will be a marketingplan from A to Z which can be implemented directly by the company!
4 students for the brainstorm session:
1 Dutch speaking student for the marketing plan: