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Job offer

Vacature - Designing Training Library
Office Eindhoven | Financieel

Company information

DLL is a global asset finance company which was founded in the Netherlands in 1969. Since then, they’ve grown to become one of the largest asset financing conglomerates for equipment and technology, operating in over 40 countries and having amassed assets worth over 35 billion euros. They are a highly socially concerned enterprise, actively reducing their carbon emissions and managing the entire lifecycles of their investment products.  

Project description

The goal is to set up a training library to integrate and improve the usage of new software within the company. This requires careful planning of its structure and efficiency measurements. In this way the effectiveness of the training can be coupled to existing KPIs and improvements can be made to the system in the future.


The training library will consist of provided trainings and a documentation platform. Decisions will need to be made for both the short-term and long-term usage of the training library. For example, you will determine not only which parties need access to information, the format in which to provide the information and the most suitable formats for training, but also how to integrate future extentions to the software into the training library efficiently.


During this project, you will work as part of a dedicated task team within DLL and the working hours will be quite flexible.

Student requirements

Are you/Do you possess..

  • Great communication skills 
  • Assertive and proactive 
  • Knowledge of optimizing business processes
  • Proficient in English (proficiency in Dutch is a plus)

What do we have to offer?

Would you like…

  • An extra challenge apart from your studies?
  • A nice paycheck?
  • To give your resume a boost with relevant work experience?

Then apply with your resume now!

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